Superman Digital Movement

Every man dies, but not every man truly lives.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Snow Bubbles

This is our cat Snow or Bubbles or SnowBubbles. She is the coolest cat! I didn't thinks we would ever have a cat, but this cat is so awesome. She's not afraid of anything. She's about 4 inches off the ground and she chases dogs and attacks people when they're not ready. The problem is that you can't discipline her because if you do she gets super mad and attacks you. HAHA!
Well the other day we finally found a mouse that we knew we had and had been looking for. So after somebody had bashed the mouse and it was still squirming a bit, we brought Snow in and she took care of business. She ate the whole thing in like and hour, and it was almost half as big as she was! Anyway, we were really excited because that really helped her get used to catching mice. Also the next morning she caught 2 huge crickets and ate them both. I love SnowBubbles!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have one deranged cat!!!1

6:29 PM  

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